Sunday, June 23, 2013

One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready...

For all you sports fans keeping track at home, today's the day I'm heading out for LAUP. I'm actually going to be driving away in about a half hour, which is just crazy for me, especially considering I finished my last assignment for summer classes about five minutes ago. 

For real though, my team's probably already there.
I definitely feel intimidated right now about this, honestly. I don't feel as though I am prepared for this behemoth of a trip. I don't feel rested enough, like I've prayed enough, like I'm in the right mental state, I'm not ready to give up technology... You name it, I'll feel unprepared about it. 

But if I stop to think about it and look past my compulsive worrying, LAUP turns from this huge cross to bear into a gift from God. There is no question in my mind about whether or not I need to go, given my heart for social justice, the fact that it affected Sam so deeply, AND the fact that as of yesterday, I AM FULLY FUNDED!!! I honestly expected to have to take some of it on myself, but it was a huge blessing to be able to attend with all of the finances already taken care of.

Sidebar: to everyone who has donated and everyone who is praying, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your support means the world to me, and I would not be able to do this without you. God is going to do some incredible things in the next six weeks, and I am so honored that I get to partner with you in this. 

On that note, I have a few specific prayer requests. In no particular order, please pray that:
  • I am open to what God has in store to teach me, and that I apply what He teaches me after I return
  • My team and I work well together and model Jesus in our words and actions
  • God works in the hearts of the people we come into contact with
I'm sure there are others, but these are the biggest I can think of right now, with my sleep-deprived and over-caffeinated brain. 

Well, I'm off. See you all soon, and I will be posting here after I get back on August 3rd.

